Best Tips When Digging for Diamonds at Crater of Diamonds State Park
Crater of Diamonds State Park is known best for one thing, finding diamonds. Over 35,000 diamonds have been found at this park, some going for over $100,000. I’m guessing that you’re here to learn how to best find these diamonds so that you have the highest chance of discovering that precious mineral.
If you want to know how to increase your chances of finding diamonds, if it’s worth it to find diamonds, or anything about diamonds at this Arkansas state park, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ll highlight tips to finding diamonds and answer the most asked questions.
What can you find at Crater of Diamonds State Park?
As the name suggests, Crater of Diamonds State Park is best known for finding diamonds. With that being said, there are several different minerals that you can find at this park including amethyst, garnet, jasper, agate, and quartz. Crater of Diamonds isn’t just a diamond park, but rather a sanctuary for all kinds of minerals and rocks. But what caused these diamonds to form here in the first place?
Why Are There Diamonds at Crater of Diamonds?
Crater of Diamonds is the only diamond mine in the United States, asking the question of how diamonds got here in the first place. Around 100 million years ago, there was a big volcanic explosion that caused diamonds hidden deep underground to come closer to the surface. The explosion also caused a 37-acre crater, earning the park the name “Crater of Diamonds”.
Best Time to Find Diamonds at Crater of Diamonds State Park
I went through this in detail when I discussed the best time of year to visit Crater of Diamonds State Park. I determined the best time to find diamonds and the best time to visit overall. Spring and fall tend to have the best weather and moderate crowds, but winter could be a smart time to visit as the low crowds make for a higher chance of finding diamonds. Either way, visiting a couple of days after it rains gives you the highest chance of finding diamonds as the previously hidden diamonds float to the surface.
Can you keep diamonds from Crater of Diamonds?
In short, yes! Crater of Diamonds State Park is one of the only diamond-producing sites in the world where you can mine for diamonds and keep what you find. So if you’re lucky enough to strike diamonds, you don’t have to worry about if you can keep them.
Can you sell the diamonds you find at Crater of Diamonds?
Absolutely! If you find a diamond at Crater of Diamonds State Park, it’s your decision on whether you want to keep it, sell it, or gift it. A diamond you find is yours to keep, and many people have made quite a lot from selling their finds, more on that below.
Are diamonds found at Crater of Diamonds worth anything?
Well, it depends. Just because you find a diamond at Crater of Diamonds doesn’t mean you’ll be an instant millionaire. With that being said, some diamonds have some worth. Many diamonds found at Crater of Diamonds have been sold for thousands and some finds have changed people’s lives.
Do you pay taxes on diamonds found in Arkansas?
Anything that you find at Crater of Diamonds is taxed, even if you don’t decide to sell it. This is the biggest downside to finding diamonds, high value finds can come with high taxes.
How hard is it to find diamonds at Crater of Diamonds State Park?
Finding diamonds isn’t easy work, as you have to be digging through piles of dirt to hopefully find a small mineral. It isn’t an impossible task, as several diamonds are found each year, but don’t get your hopes too high as finding diamonds is a timely and laborious task.
What are the odds of finding a diamond in Arkansas?
Just because you visit Crater of Diamonds State Park doesn’t mean you’ll strike gold. With that being said, finding diamonds isn’t like the lottery, as between one to two diamonds are found at this park each day.
Forget the opinions, let’s do some math. Around 150,000 people visited Crater of Diamonds in 2023 and there were around 800 diamond discoveries, meaning that your chance of finding a diamond is 0.53%.
There are some things to consider, many people who visit Crater of Diamonds don’t come to find diamonds and those who do haven’t read this blog post so they don’t have the same knowledge that you do.
If you want to increase your chances of finding diamonds, you have to know the best time of year to visit Crater of Diamonds and what to bring.
What is the biggest diamond found at Crater of Diamonds State Park?
The largest ever diamond found on this land is named The Uncle Sam Diamond and was discovered in 1924. The diamond sold in 1971 for $150,000 or $1 million adjusted for inflation. This diamond was over 40 carats and now belongs to a private collector.
Although the largest diamond was found a century ago, the most valuable diamond was found in just 2015. It is called The Esperanza Diamond and is to this day considered the most valuable diamond found in the United States. It’s valued at over $1 million and went on a tour around the nation to the United States’ top jewelry stores.
These are the most valuable diamonds found. But who knows, the most valuable diamond could still be hidden under Crater of Diamonds, and waiting to be found.
How do you identify a diamond at Crater of Diamonds?
If you want to identify diamonds yourself, they’re typically small, smooth, and have a shine. If you think you’ve found a diamond but you’re not sure, just take the mineral to the diamond discovery center, they’ll identify if it’s a diamond for free.
Is Crater of Diamonds worth it?
If you want to get rich off your trip to Crater of Diamonds State Park, then I would suggest looking elsewhere. But if you want to have a fun time in a cool place looking for diamonds, then this place is absolutely worth it. It’s just over an hour from Hot Springs National Park making for a fantastic day trip. It’s a unique experience, one you can’t find anywhere else in the country.
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